The SunFounder Sensor Kit is a learning kit of 37 sensor modules for Raspberry Pi(Compatible with RPi 4B/3B/3B+/2B/B+), suitable for beginners and anyone who enjoys programming toys. It comes with the easy-to-use visual programming language software Dragit, making coding fun and easy to learn. The 37 sensor modules formulate 35 lessons that present your various functions and interesting projects.
Use the SunFounder Sensor Kit to start your journey of making and exploring interesting and useful projects.
- LEARN TO CODE EASILY- You learn how to code faster and easier than ever with this visual programming language software.
- 37 SENSOR MODULES- There are a whopping 37 self-designed sensor modules included, elaborately made and all of roughly the same size.
- 35 PROJECTS PROVIDED- This sensor kit provides a record 35 projects with diverse functions allowing for a dynamic creative experience
- STYLISH PACKAGING- A cool-blue plastic packaging box is included to allow for easy and neat storage.
Package List
- Double Color LED x 1
- RGB LED x 1
- Auto-Flash LED x 1
- Relay module x 1
- Laser Emitter x 1
- Button x 1
- Tilt Switch x 1
- Vibration Switch x 1
- IR Receiver x 1
- Active Buzzer x 1
- Passive Buzzer x 1
- Reed switch x 1
- Photo-interrupt x 1
- AD/DAConvert-PCF8591 x 1
- RainDrop Sensor x 1
- Joystick PS2 x 1
- Potentiometer x 1
- Analog Hall Sensor x 1
- Hall Switch Sensor x 1
- Analog Temperature Sensor x 1
- Thermistor x 1
- Sound Sensor x 1
- Photoresistor x 1
- User Manual x 1
- Flame Sensor x 1
- Gas Sensor x 1
- Remote Control x 1
- Touch Switch x 1
- HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor x 1
- Temperature Sensor-DS18B20 x 1
- Rotary Encode x 1
- Humiture Sensor x 1
- IR Obstacle x 1
- I2C LCD 1602 Module x 1
- Barometer-BMP280 x 1
- MPU6050 Module x 1
- RTC-DS1302 Module x 1
- Tracking Sensor x 1
- GPIO Extension Board x 1
- 40-pin Ribbon Cable for GPIO Board x 1
- Breadboard x 1
- 2-Pin Anti-Reverse Cable x 2
- 3-Pin Anti-Reverse Cable x 5
- 4-Pin Anti-Reverse Cable x 5
- 5-Pin Anti-Reverse Cable x 5
- Jumper wires (Male to Female) x 20
- Jumper wires (Male to Male) x 10